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Preparing Children
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State of the Art Infrastructure

Providing state-of-the-art infrastructure has become necessary to facilitate hi-tech teaching methodologies. The use of smart-boards, projectors and multimedia equipment in quality education is quite routine. Manthan couples hi-tech technology and the best teaching methodologies to provide the best education that your kids deserve.

Teaching Methodologies

Manthan implements top notch teaching methodologies that are student centered emphasizing more on the skills rather than the conventional teacher centered and content based learning models.

Comprehensive Library

Manthan has a very comprehensive library having more than 5,000 title of books covering an array of topics. Each class also has its own specific mini library that maintains the books that are currently being used in the lessons for ready reference.

Manthan Team

Ramakrishna Reddy, the Head of the Institution, has formed a team of highly experienced and qualified education professionals. Using the best teaching methodologies and with several years of experience under their hood, the Manthan Team is geared up to provide the best education experience for your kids.


Manthan is a new age institution that is distinctly different from the conventional schools that rely on content based learning models that are teacher centered. Instead, they implement a highly effective inquiry oriented, student centered and skill based learning system.

Enriched Education

Education at Manthan is enriched with various extra-curricular activities including games, sports, singing & dance competitions, dramas and debates. Students are taken out to several excursions and picnics at the best locations in the city.

Parental Involvement

Parents are an integral part of the learning process for the child. At Manthan parents are provided access to our Online School Management Software using which they can see the progress of their children. Regular Parent Teacher meetings and Parent volunteering is encouraged for more parental involvement in the learning process.

Manthan Vision

Manthan’s vision is to see that at the end of the schooling years a student is performing to the best of his academic ability, is groomed as a well- rounded personality who can excel at a chosen career, and has imbibed the right human values and has his/her heart at the right place.

Our operating goals toward this end are to impart quality education to our children, to partner with parents for this and to support our teachers to deliver at their best.

Manthan Mission

Our mission is to help our children build the following skills:

  • An enquiring mind which is keen to learn
  • To build a strong moral fabric which helps them distinguish Right from Wrong, Good from Bad.
  • To make them better communicators where they can not only communicate well but have a sensitivity to understand others feelings.
  • To be able to Cooperate with others and have a sense of Respect - awareness about others and respecting them.

2021 © Manthan School, Gachi Bowli.

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