Overnight Leadership Adventure Camp

To encourage students to develop important life skills such as teamwork, cooperation, and self-confidence and learn valuable leadership skills, overnight adventure camps were organised for Grades 5, 6, and 7. These camps provided an opportunity for the students to connect with their peers and experience simulated real-world situations. Guided by trained professionals, students participated in various activities, including commando training, rappelling, zip lining, free falling, rope climbing, and team games. They also enjoyed fun energisers, a talent night, a bonfire, and an awards ceremony at the end of the camp.

Field Trips

At Manthan, learning is not confined to the walls of the classroom. Students undertake various field trips to local sites such as the zoo, the planetarium, the museum, a wind farm, and other historical and unique sites to enhance their education and bring their lessons to life. This allows them to engage with the real world and understand the relevance of what they have learned.


As part of the academic schedule, 8th and 9th-grade students go on an excursion once a year. This combines experiential learning with the excitement of travel, allowing students to meet new people, experience new places and cultures, and bring their classroom lessons to life. By doing so, they become more curious, open-minded, and socially responsible individuals.